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Who Engages Us

Selected, recent client list by industry

Business Services:
CEO, Fox Global

Commercial Real Estate:
VP Marketing, major commercial real estate brokerage firm
CEO, Cabot Cabot and Forbes
COO, Pro-Teck Valuation Services
VP Corporate Marketing, New England Development
CAO, CASE Engineering

Consumer Products:
Owner, furniture chain
SVP, Kodak Digital Imaging Division
CEO/founder, Landscape Express
Co-Owner, Atlantis Weathergear
SVP, Monster.com
VP Marketing and International, G.H. Bass Inc.
Senior Council, Polaroid Corporation
VP Marketing, Pearson Yachts/Pearson Composites TPI

Sr. Program Manager, US Department of Energy
CMO/co-founder, Renewable Energy Massachusetts
COO, Leading US clean coal company

Financial Services:
President, (one of largest divisions) Fidelity Investments
Senior Counsel, Fidelity Investments
Managing Director, Argus International
Managing Director Technology Research, Jefferies, Inc.
Investment Director, Fidelity Investments
CMO, Dimensional Fund Advisors
EVP, State Street Bank
CTO, Thompson Financial Networks
Managing Director - Investment Banking Division, Wachovia
Partner, JP Morgan Chase
CEO/founder, MedChoice Financial
Co-founder, Common Angels
SVP, Wentworth Hauser and Voilich
General Counsel, FleetBoston Financial Group
CAO, Charles Schwab
CFO, Reach Ventures
Global Managing Director, GE Capital/Sun Microsystems Financial
SVP, American Express
Managing Director, Hovde Private Equity Division

Founder/CEO, Mountain Herbal
Founding team-member Whole Foods
Senior Brand Manager, Kelloggs
CEO, The Wood Company
CEO, Best Inc.
President/founder, Neighborcorp
Co-owner/COO, Good Harbor Fillet

Program Manager, US Department of ISE
Senior Regulator, The Federal Reserve
Senior Foreign Service Officer/Diplomat, US State Department
Asian/American business and economic development consultant/attorney
Board Chair, national school system

Co/founder,CTO,CMO, Lincoln Technologies and PHT Corp.
Founder/CEO, M.D., PhD, Leading Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) company
CEO/founder, Institute for Health Metrics
Boardmember, Mass General Hospital

High Technology:
SVP/founder, Imagitex
GM/founder, RTviz
CEO, SAG Electonics
SVP Sales and Marketing, Navtronics
VP Sales & Marketing, Ion Optics
CEO, Metatomix
VP Marketing/co-founder, Brooktrout Technology
VP Development, Viewlocity, Inc.
VP Development, i2 Technologies
SVP Marketing, Ember
CEO/co-founder, Lightbridge Technology
Chief Executive-UK, ERG Group
EVP & CFO, ViewWriter Technologies, Inc

VP International Government and Industry Relations, MetLife
SVP, Marsh McLellan
SVP, Unum
CFO, InsWeb

Internet/new Media:
Senior Vice President, AOL
General Counsel, Captivate Networks
Founding Member, Akamai
CEO/Founder, FLIMP Media
Founder/Partner, Business News Broadcasting
General Counsel, IPC Information Services
CEO/founder, CashStar
VP Finance/Controller, Primedia, Inc.
President, Environmental News Network

Medical Technology:
CEO/Founder, four pharmaceutical and medtech companies, two brought public
Controller Life Sciences Division, Millipore

Executive Director, Boston Center for Adult Education
Co-Director, Social Innovation Forum
Executive Director, national homelessness prevention organization
Senior Minister, UCC Church
Senior Curator, Museum of Fine Arts
National Service Director, City Year
Leading Author, Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets

Professional Services:
Managing Partner, The Boston Consulting Group
VP Marketing, Gen3 Partners
SVP, AMR Research
VP Marketing, i2 Technologies
CEO/Founder, Sales Protocol
SVP, Aberdeen Group
COO, Interaction Associates
SVP, Monitor & Company
VP Consulting, BEA Systems
Founder & Principal, KnowledgeEquity
VP Marketing, Bird Dog Solutions

President, largest division of one of the largest global publishers
Senior Executive, RRDonnelly
CEO/Publisher, Sail Magazine

Director, Marketing, Sun Microsystems
Senior Director, Microsoft Corporation
SVP, EMC Corporation
Founder/CEO, Saddlebrook Corporation
Product Manager, Texas Instruments
COO, Raid, Inc.

Owner/GM, Winston Cup NASCAR Team
Sports Psychologist, United States Sports Teams
World Grand Prix Sailing Champion

VP Product Development/Management/Program Management, Wireless Matrix
CEO, A2Connect