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What People Are Saying

"Gordon truly 'gets it.' I have worked with him on several cases where I have witnessed his ability to use candor, deep understanding of needs, and his body of knowledge to help assist powerful, on-going relationships that drive deep value for all parties involved. Networking is a practice that requires personal transformation to do it well – and Gordon teaches this in Well Connected and in his own work."

Louis Carter, Founder and CEO Best Practice Institute

"Is it time to develop your personal networking strategy? Learning the nuances of networking isn’t easy. Read Well Connected and get ahead of the competition!"

Marshall Goldsmith – best- and million-selling author of Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, and How to Get It Back If You Lose It, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

"Well Connected teaches the art of connecting with the right people with the right purpose.. From personal experience I can tell you Gordon has a gift for this – and in Well Connected he shows you how to do it!"

Bill Ghormley, Senior Vice President of Business Development Xconomy

"Your network is your net worth. It is your greatest 'enabler'. Well Connected is give you a clear strategy and solid how-to’s to build your ultimate business network. The book will challenge how you see networking (wide versus targeted) and how you could go about building relationships (Serve first). Read this and get connected."

Tim Sanders, author of Love Is the Killer App: How To Win Business & Influence Friends

"Stop wondering about who, out of the 100's of people you have networked with, to engage with with. Yes they are all important and built over the years, but converting select old and new relationships to their fullest potential will allow you to produce your greatest potential. Gordon Curtis’ Well Connected framework provides the ease and structure for doing just that! Now more so than ever, it is about quantity and quality."

Gisele E. Garceau, Senior Human Capital Strategist, EMC Corporation

"I have been so happy as a result of using the Well-Connected method. Immediately, I found just the right partner for my new business."

Cliff Hakim – Author, Rethinking Work and We are All Self Employed; Co-founder and Company Steward, The Values Tree, Inc.

"Gordon's Well Connected approach enabled me to 'cut to the chase' and get in front of the right people with the right approach, greatly accelerating the achievement of my business and career objectives. This book is a must read for anyone who doesn’t have the time to network the 'old way.'"

Robert Picardi, CEO, Raid, Inc.

"Today’s world demands executives to manage their time more efficiently than ever before. Well Connected provides sophisticated business leaders and novices a unique and refreshingly actionable approach to minimize time spent while maximizing effective networking. Readers will build better business connections with the right people after unlocking Gordon’s code and following his breakthrough framework."

Cameron Brown, President, King Fish Media, LLC

"Gordon Curtis' ideas about 'networking by individuals' added to my understanding of 'networks of companies' in a way few books have. In our hyper-networked world, managers who read "Well Connected" will find its practical advice invaluable for success."

Amit Mukherjee, Author of "The Spider's Strategy" and President, Ishan Advisors.

"Given the flurry of 'networking activity' driven by today’s social media trends, Well Connected is a timely and welcome read. Quite frankly, Gordon Curtis forces readers to be both thoughtful and strategic about how they connect. Well Connected will help readers to not only increase their probability of networking success, but it will ensure that success is well defined and optimal given the individuals’ true desires and needs."

Melissa Raffoni, President, Raffoni CEO Consulting, Harvard Business Review Blogger

"This is not 'Networking 101.' The 'Right Person—Right Approach' method described in great detail in this book brings the art and science of making productive business and career connections to a new level. I’m hard pressed to think of anyone who wouldn’t benefit from Gordon’s coaching as found in these pages."

Sandy Lipson, Former VP Talent Management, Fidelity Investments, Talent Management and Organizational Development Consultant